Multi-mode Transportation
No Harbor Maintenance Fee means greater savings for customers.
Three berths mean no congestion and plans are in place for 2 more berths to be available in the near future.
Capacity to stage over 8,000 units ship side in the First-Point-of-Rest.
Under an hour steaming time to the open ocean.
Being located on the Providence and Worchester RR we can access all North American Class 1 RR's.
Room for 50 rail cars on 7 spurs.
Railhead owned and operated by NORAD.
Current operations allow for empty railcars waiting to be utilized for inland distribution.
Easy in and out for haulaway carriers.
Under 10 minutes on a dedicated highway to the I-95 corridor.
Partially segregated yards allow for the carriers to minimize loading times.
Highly responsive yard staff allows for quick dispatches.